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Focus POS



Focus, Subsidiary of Shift 4, is a restaurant management software company providing by an all-in-one point of sale system.

August 2020

Article Last Updated
March 2024


What’s Supported?



Not Supported

Focus Ordering Channels

Online Ordering

Pay at the Table

Spendgo Loyalty Features

  • Accrue points for loyalty claimed orders

  • Claim receipt to accrue points for orders not claimed at the store

  • Redeem Spendgo offers/rewards

  • Combine Spendgo rewards with non-Spendgo rewards*


Base Program Types

  • Points Banking

  • Shop with points

Basket Level Rewards/Offers Types

  • $ Discount (Rebate)

  • % Discount (Discount)

  • Bonus Points


Item Based Rewards/Offers Types

  • BOGO

  • Free Item

  • $ Discount

  • % Discount

  • Bonus Points


Online and In-Store Ordering Platforms

* Focus POS does not allow multiple rewards applied on the same item. Item based Sprendo reward cannot mixed with a non-Spendgo discount on the same item.

Things to Know

  • Support for Voids/Refunds:

    • When an order is fully or partially refunded, the points accrued on the order will be canceled and any Spendgo Rewards applied will be added back to the Member’s account.

    • If a partial refund is to be processed, we recommend refunding the entire order and creating a new order.

  • Rewards stacking: Spendgo does not support applying multiple rewards to the order. However non spendgo rewards can be applied along with Spendgo reward.

    • Focus allows only one discount applied to an item, so if the Spendgo and Non-spendgo reward cannot be applied together if the discount is on the same item.

  • Available rewards shown at the lookup:

    • When the cashier looks up the reward, all rewards that are available to the Member at the store location is displayed. This list is not validated against the order, so some rewards such as item specific rewards may not be applicable.

    • When the reward is applied, it gets validated against the order and if it is not applicable then an error message is displayed.

  • Changing the order/reward after applying the reward: If the order is modified after applying the order, then the applied reward may no more be applicable or the order may qualify for the new reward. However the reward is not automatically revalidated modified order. Rewards needs to be re-looked up and removed/changed if necessary.

  • Discount Code:

    • For setting up the Spendgo integration for Focus POS, a discount code needs to be setup in focus. However there is no need to associate this discount code with the Spendgo rewards.

    • Additional discount code may need to be setup and associated with Spendgo rewards when a third party online ordering (such as Olo) or in store payment platform (such as Bbot) is integrated with focus.

      • Specifically with Olo, the discount code setup in Focus for Olo needs to be also setup as loyalty non qualifying line item in Spendgo. Please refer to Olo Integration documentation for more details.

  • Order ID format: The order from Focus POS show up in Dashboard with small 1-4 digit number.


  • Notes about the order receipt on Spendgo Dashboard: Please note that the receipt view of the order in Dashboard may not fully match with the customer receipt generated by Focus.

    • Receipt Subtotal: The Subtotal shown on the Dashboard receipt matches with the Subtotal on the Focus receipt which reflects the sum of line items and not the applied rewards/discounts/coupons.

      • The points accrued is not based on the subtotal but based on the sum of the prices of loyalty qualifying items.

    • Receipt Total: The Total shown on the Dashboard receipt matches with the Total on the Focus receipt which reflects Subtotal+ Tax + Tip + minus the applied rewards/discounts.

Integration Setup


Spendgo Integration is enabled by the Merchant from myFocus. We recommend that if the Focus test lab is available, the integration is enabled and tested at the lab before rolling out to other locations.

  • If theFocus POS is being setup new, make sure that POS setup is completed and tested.

  • Make sure that the Spendgo account, loyalty program and the rewards are setup.

Integration setup steps

How to Enable the Integration

  1. Once the POS, Spendgo account, loyalty program and the rewards are setup and integration is ready to be enabled, Spendgo Customer Success Manager will inform the Spendgo integration team to share the integration API credentials with the Merchant.

  2. Spendgo integrations team shares the following details securely with the person designated by the Merchant to enable the integration.

    1. Client ID (API Key)

    2. Shared Secret 

    3. Store Codes

    4. Brand Id (Account Id)

  3. Merchant sets up the integration from myFocus as follows

Discount Setup: Add a new discount in myFocus.

  • Name:

    • Spendgo Reward

  • Method

    • Item $

  • Item Selection

    • All Items

  • In the Options, check the following

    • Active

    • Include Modifiers

    • Item $ Allocate

Package Setup

Place package on any screens you wish to have loyalty accessible

Name: <Enter Desired visible name to staff>

  • Command = Spendgo

System Setup

In Setup Navigate to Miscellaneous>Credit/Gift/Loyalty/Customer

  • Gift Cards/Loyalty Tab

    • Loyalty Options

      • Type = Spendgo

  • Loyalty Direct Tab

    • Client ID = <provided by Spendgo>

    • Shared Secret  = <provided by Spendgo>

    • Store Code  = <provided by Spendgo>

    • Brand (aka ACCOUNT ID) = <provided by Spendgo>

    • Discount

      • Map to Spendgo Discount previously created

(Optional) Enabling force prompting for loyalty before payment

This depends on how the button/package and payment canvas is configured. The idea is to trigger Spendgo before calling the payment canvas. Below instruction is provided for reference.

Call Spendgo from All Payments button/package before calling the App Payments canvas containing all the payment options.


Disable CC Auto Recognize option to ensure they didn’t initiate tendering w/o using the All Payments button/package first.

Loyalty Flow

Loyalty Member Lookup

  1. Ring Items on Check or retrieve saved check

  2. Execute the SPENDGO REWARDS package

  3. Enter Phone # on user lookup screen

    1. If the Member exists in Spendgo, the available rewards are retrieved and shown

    2. If the no Member exists matching the Customer Phone number, a new starter account is added in Spendgo. Merchant will have to follow up with the Member to complete the registration process, if necessary.

Applying a reward

  1. After the Member Lookup, the rewards available to the Member is shown.

  1. To Apply a reward, select a reward to apply and click on “Redeem Reward”

    1. If no reward is to be applied, close the window by clicking on the X at the right corner. The Member is still attached to the order and will accrue points.

    2. If the reward not applicable, an error message showing why the reward cannot be applied is displayed. The window remains open to allow selection of a different reward.

    3. If the reward is applicable to the order then the window closes and the order is updated.


Removing Reward 

  1. Select Reward line below Subtotal

  2. Press Delete

Removing User

  1. Select User

  2. Press Void

Closing Check

  1. Pay check as normal, when seat is fully paid the loyalty is processed on the order.

  2. If no loyalty member is attached to the order, then the order is saved in Spendgo as “Guest” order.

Processing Payment Voids/Refunds

When payment is voided any member and loyalty reward will be reversed.

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