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Manage Campaigns

Managing campaigns in your Spendgo Dashboard is easier than ever. You can view your campaign details, edit, duplicate, stop and archive campaigns all from the Campaign Management table in your Dashboard.

Things to Know

  • If you Edit or Duplicate a campaign where you’ve requested customization by the Spendgo team, those customization will not be retained.

  • Once a campaign is archived, this cannot be undone. This will remove it from your reporting as well as from the support tools for adding offers to Member accounts.

  • When duplicating a campaign, the automation rules from the original campaign cannot be changed (e.g. the automation type of Recurring campaign that sends daily at 10am PT cannot be changed), but you can change the offer details, text message content, email campaign details, audience and start/end dates. We recommend renaming the campaign to something unique so that you can easily distinguish between the original and the duplicate.

  • You have limited editing capabilities for campaigns that are pending (i.e., scheduled to start in the future) and campaigns that are currently live. Once a campaign has concluded, it cannot be edited. Editing is restricted to adjusting scheduling and the campaign name. If you need to make additional changes, we recommend duplicating the campaign and then modifying the duplicate.


  • After creating a campaign, view the details to make sure everything is set up correctly.

  • If you find you’ve made a mistake, it’s best to stop the campaign before it starts, duplicate it, change the mistake and save it as a new campaign. Then, archive the old campaign (the one with a mistake) to remove it.

View and Edit a Campaign

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to view or edit a campaign.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / View.

  3. Select the field you want to edit and click Edit.

  4. Enter changes to the campaign and Save.

Archive a Campaign

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Archive.

  3. Confirm you want to archive the campaign. Once you have confirmed to archive your campaign, the campaign will no longer be working and visible in your Campaign table. This cannot be undone once confirmed.

Stop a Campaign

Note: You can only stop a pending or a live campaign. If a campaign is live and Members already received an offer, the offer will not be removed from their account until it is used or expired.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Stop.

  3. Confirm you want to stop the campaign. Once you have confirmed to stop your campaign, the campaign end date will be updated to the current time and your campaign will have ended. This cannot be undone once confirmed.

Duplicate a Campaign

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Duplicate.

  3. Review your campaign action details, click Next Step.
    Note: Before proceeding with any modifications, please ensure that all settings are reviewed to confirm they are how you want them. Many settings may have dependencies that could be affected by your adjustments, so it's important to confirm everything is set correctly before moving forward.

  4. Target your campaign to an all members, or turn the audience Segment ON to select or create a new audience.
    Note: Duplicating a campaign does not preserve the audience the original campaign was targeted to, you will need to be reselect or define a new target audience.

  5. Click Next Step.

  6. Enter your Campaign Name.

  7. Schedule your campaign Start Time.

  8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign End Time.
    Note: This is not required for a Date & Time automation.

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