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Oracle Micros Simphony 2

1. About


Oracle Micros Simphony is a cloud-based point of sale system built on the Windows OS integrated with Spendgo Loyalty via Fishbowl’s Promotions Manager Application.

November 2023

Article Last Updated
April 2024


2. What’s Supported?



Not Supported

Ordering Channels

Micros Simphony 2 POS

Supported POS versions - 19.1 and above


Customer Facing display

Spendgo Loyalty Features

  • Accrue points for loyalty claimed orders

  • Claim receipt to accrue points for orders not claimed at the store

  • Redeem Spendgo offers/rewards

  • Combine Spendgo rewards with non-Spendgo rewards

  • Loyalty reversal when order is refunded.


Base Program Types

  • Points Banking

  • Shop with points

Basket Level Rewards/Offers Types

  • $ Discount (Rebate)

  • % Discount (Discount)

  • Bonus Points


Item Based Rewards/Offers Types

  • BOGO

  • Free Item

  • $ Discount

  • % Discount

  • Bonus Points

  • Price Adjustment


Rewards shown for selection

Only the rewards applicable to the order are shown for selection.


Discount code requirement

  • A discount code needs to be setup in Micros Simphony enterprise Management Console as part of integration setup, however it is not required to be associated with the Spendgo rewards.

  • A separate discount code may be required for integrating online ordering platform with Simphony and for the rewards enabled for Online ordering that discount code may have to be associated.


Online and In-Store Ordering Platforms



3. Things to Know

  • Prerequisites:

    • Operating system

      • Windows 10 or comparable Windows OS with .NET Framework prerequisite
        Please contact your Fishowl PM provider to their latest OS requirements.

    • Micros Simphony 2 POS v.19.1 and above

      • Micros SIM license

      • Database user account with read-only access

    • Persistent internet connection

  • Support for Voids/Refunds: This is what happens to loyalty on the order after a closed order is reopened and modified in the POS.


Loyalty Processing

Order is fully refunded

Loyalty on the order is revered.

  • Points accrued on the order is reversed

  • Any Spendgo Reward applied to the order is added back to the Member’s balance

Order is partially refunded

Partial loyalty reversal is not supported in Spendgo. Partial refund is also treated same way as the full refund.

In order to keep the loyalty on the partial refund to be processed correctly, it is recommended to fully refund the order and create a new order with the updated order details.

Order is updated

Any further loyalty update on a closed order is not supported in Spendgo.

In order update the loyalty on the order, it is recommended to void the order and create a new order with the updated details.

Order ID Format

The order ID matches with the order ID printed on the receipt and typically starts with 1, 2, 3 and recycles after it reaches a configured limit (such as 4999, 9999).

Making a loyalty claim on a receipt : Spendgo Members who do not make a loyalty claim on the order at the store, they can earn points by claiming the receipt from Spendgo Member portal.

Notes about the order receipt on Spendgo Dashboard

  1. Receipt Subtotal:

    1. The Subtotal shown on the Dashboard receipt matches with the Subtotal on the printed receipt.

    2. Subtotal reflects the sum of line items and not the applied rewards/discounts/coupons.

    3. Also note that the points accrued on the order does not always match with the subtotal. This is because Spendgo does not compute points based on the receipt subtotal, but based on the sum of prices of items marked as qualifying for points.

  2. Receipt Total:

    1. The Total shown on the Dashboard receipt matches with the Total on the printed receipt. Receipt total reflects the sum of line item prices including modifiers + Tax + Tip minus the applied rewards/discounts.

    2. The tax, tip or other charges are not shown on the receipt.

  3. Modifiers details

Modifier details are shown on the Member orders but not on the guest orders.


Sample Guest Order


Sample Member Order

4. Integration Setup

4.1 Requirements

  • The Brand must have an account created in Spendgo.

  • The Brand’s store must meet the following pre-requisites and system requirements

    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 with .NET Framework

      • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or higher

    • Network

      • Persistent Internet Connection

      • Outbound access to: (IP: on Port 443

      • Outbound access to: (IP: on Port 443

      • Port 12345 open on the Back Office server where the Fishbowl interface is to be installed (typically on the CAPS Server). This port is configurable if a different port is preferred.

  • The Brand’s store must have at least one Simphony 2 POS version 19.1 up to 19.5 on location.

  • Fishbowl Promotions Manager must be installed on the Simphony 2 POS at the location.

4.2 How to Enable the Integration

Step 1. The Merchant confirms the location(s) is ready for setting up the integration.

Task Owner

The Merchant

Required Input

The locations to enable the integrations are identified.


Review the requirements mentioned above and confirm the location(s) is ready for enabling Spendgo Integration

Step 2: The Merchant Informs Spendgo CSM to initiate the integration setup

Task Owner

The Merchant

Required Input

Identify the locations to enable the Spendgo Integration.


Inform Spendgo Customer Success Manager (CSM) ( the list of locations that needs to be enabled.

Data to share

List of locations to enable the integration.

Step 3: Spendgo CSM co-ordinates integration setup activities.

Task Owner

Spendgo Customer Success Manager

Required Input

Authorization from the Merchant to enable the integration


  1. Co-ordinate with the Merchant the date and time for setting up the integration.

  2. Evaluate if there is any testing required after the integration.

    1. If any testing is required, setup the test data by adding necessary points rewards to the Merchant contact’s Member account.

    2. Setup the testing time.

  3. If the integration has not already been enabled for any of the Merchant locations instruct the Integrations team to setup and share Spendgo API credentials with Fishbowl.

Data to share

Share with the integration team

  • Locations list


  1. The time slot for enabling the integration is setup with the Merchant.

  2. Working session is setup with the Merchant for testing, if required.

  3. Instructions sent to the integration team

Step 4: Spendgo Integration team shares API credentials with Fishbowl

Task Owner

Spendgo Integrations Team

Required Input

Authorization from CSM and the Merchant contact to send the credentials to.


If the credentials are already not shared with Fishbowl,

  1. Setup the POS API key in Spendgo Admin portal

  2. Share the API credentials securely in a 1Password link with the Merchant contact. Include the below information in the 1password secure note.

    1. Merchant’s Account ID (Brand Id) in Spendgo

    2. Account Name

    3. Environment: spendgo or skuped

    4. Store Codes for the requested Merchant locations in Spendgo

    5. Spendgo Integration API credentials.

      1. Api Key

      2. Api Secret

Refer to internal documentation for detailed instructions.

Data to share

API credentials and Brand ID and Store IDs with Fishbowl in the secure 1Password note with

  1. Client Support -

  2. Matt Heman (Director of Client Support)  -

cc the Merchant and Spendgo CSM.


Fishbowl has all information needed to setup the integration in their Admin Tools.

Step 5: Fishbowl client setup team sets up the integration in Fishbowl

Task Owner

Fishbowl client Support team

Required Input

API credentials shared by Spendgo


  1. Follow the internal setup documentation to enable the integration from the Fishbowl Admin Tools.

  2. Follow up with the Merchant on installations (Fishbowl Promotions Manager, Fishbowl interface for Micros Simphony)

Data to share

After the setup is complete. Respond to Spendgo’s email Spendgo sends to share the API keys (with cc to the Merchant and Spendgo CSM).

Step 6: Merchant sets up the integration from Micros Simphony Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Task Owner

The Merchant

Required Input

Fishbowl completes the Admin Tools setup in Fishbowl.


Follow the steps in the “EMC Setup” section in this documentation. If the Lab store is available, setup the integration with in the LAB store and test it before rolling out to other locations.

Data to share

After the setup is complete. Respond to email Spendgo sent to share the API keys (with cc to the Merchant and Spendgo CSM).

Step 7: Verify the Integration

Task Owner

The Merchant

Required Input

After setting up the integration, quickest way to check if the integration is working is to do the Loyalty Member look up. Please refer to the “Loyalty Member Lookup” in the “Loyalty Flow” section below.


  1. Attempt a Member look steps 1-4 in the “Loyalty Flow” section below.

  2. If the Member look up fails, there are multiple possible reasons.

    1. Verify all the EMC verify steps.

    2. If all EMC steps are as per the documentation, take the screenshots of the EMC configuration, collect the Simphony logs from the device and report it to Spendgo Integrations ( and Fishbowl Client Support (, cc Spendgo CSM (

  3. If the Member lookup is fine,

    1. If this is Lab store, inform Spendgo CSM. Spendgo CSM will follow up to complete the Lab testing.

    2. For the subsequent locations, run some test orders using steps 1-9 from the “Loyalty Flow” section below. If there is any issue, contact Spendgo CSM.

5. Loyalty Flow

Member Lookup & Reward Redemption

The following steps are to be performed by a staff member on the Micros Simphony 2 system. Please refer to your Fishbowl Promotions Manager Documentation for the latest updates.

  1. Open a new order.

  2. Enter the member’s order items.

  3. Click Member Lookup button.

  4. Enter the member’s (10-digit) phone number and click Next.

  5. Select the member for member to earn points on the order.

  6. A prompt will display the member’s Points Balance and available rewards. Click OK.

  7. Click LYL Checkout button.

  8. Select the reward to be redeemed on the order. The Spendgo Reward and it’s discount value will be applied.

  9. Tender the order and close the ticket.

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