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Change the Language on the Sign In Page

Spendgo is available in the following languages:

  • English - United States

  • English - Canada

  • French - Canada

These instructions guide you on changing your language for the Spendgo Sign In pages.

Things to Know

  • Your default language will be determined by your browser settings. You can change this selection at any time directly on the Sign In pages. However, selecting a language in the footer of the Spendgo page itself (as opposed to your browser settings) will not preserve the language setting.

Change Your Browser Language Settings

Changing your language in your browser will set it across all your browsers. This means that when you visit Spendgo pages, they will automatically display in your default language without requiring manual selection. For instructions on updating your browser language settings, please refer to the specific instructions for your browser. Below are links to the language settings for some of the most commonly used browsers:

Change Your Language Setting in Page

You can switch the language at anytime to display the page in a different language. Your language will be preserved for your session.

  1. On the bottom of the browser, select the current language.

  2. Choose a language.

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