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Delete My Spendgo Account

Please fill out the Delete My Accounts form with your account details. A customer support representative will review the request and ask you to confirm your delete account request.

Things to Know

  • Once the delete process is complete, it cannot be undone.

  • Your Spendgo Account provides access to various Spendgo Services including points, offers, and marketing communications across all your brands. You’ll no longer be able to use any of those services.

  • Deleting your Spendgo Account will remove your profile data, points, offers, and digital receipts associated with all your brands from the Spendgo system.

  • You also could lose access to your brand’s services outside of Spendgo where you use your Spendgo Account for sign in. For example, if you use your Spendgo Account to place online orders, you will no longer be able to use your Spendgo Account to log in, earn points and redeem rewards.

  • This does not delete any accounts created in Third-Party platforms which you granted access to when using your Spendgo Account to sign in to their platform. To delete your data at Third-parties, you need to go to their platform for support.

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