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Forgot My Log In

If you have forgotten your password, you can follow these next steps to reset your password.

The forgot password experience described below is for the Spendgo-hosted forms inicated by a URL that starts with It is possible a brand has a custom built form and the interface may have slight variations, but the expected steps will be similar.

The Spendgo-hosted forms are brand specific. Your reset password email notification will come from the brand you’ve made the request at.

  1. On the Spendgo-hosted Sign In form click Forgot your password?

  2. Enter in your Spendgo account email and click Reset your password. A screen will appear letting you know to check your inbox for a password reset email.

  3. Open the email from the brand you’ve made the request at, with the subject “Password Reset for {Brand Name}”.

  4. Click the Reset your password button in the email.

  5. A page will open, enter your new password and confirm new password.

  6. Click the Reset button.
    Note: the indicator that your new password was successfully updated is that it will automatically navigate you to the Sign In page.

  7. You are automatically navigated back to the Sign In page. Sign in using your newly created password.

If you continue to need support, please fill out the Need Help Logging In form.

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