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How-to Use an Offer In-Store

In this article you’ll learn the most common way to use an offer in a store.

Each brand has their own checkout flows and variations may not be captured below. The steps below are meant to be a general guide. Please refer to the Spendgo Directory to find your preferred brand’s guides.

Things to Know

  • You must enter, scan or provide your account phone to view and use your offers. Guest orders will not be able to redeem offers.

  • During a single purchase, you can only use one offer at a time. However, points offers (like double or triple points) are an exception to this rule. If you have points offers available in your account, they will automatically apply to your qualifying purchase. Points offers won't show as an offer option to be applied to avoid confusion.

Use an Offer In-store

  1. Provide your account phone number.
    Note: there are several ways to provide your number and will depend on what is supported at your store. Check the Spendgo Directory and locate your preferred brand’s FAQs to find out how to use an offer in their stores. Here are the most common methods:

    1. Enter your phone on the in-store customer-facing touchscreen.

    2. Scan your QR code in your mobile app.

    3. Provide your number to the staff member.

  2. Tell the staff your order.

  3. Select in the touchscreen or tell the staff which offer you want to apply to your purchase.

  4. Pay for your purchase.

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