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Text to Claim Points

Text to Claim Points is only applicable at select brands. The receipt code is a 10-digit alphanumeric code formatted as AA#AA-AA#AA. Where “A” represents a letter and “#” represents a number.

Things to Know

  • If the number you are texting from is not recognized, a new Starter Account will be created for you and your points will be claimed to that new account.

  • If you or someone else has already claimed the receipt, the receipt cannot be claimed again and you will receive and automatic response stating so. For example:
    “Burger Rewards: You already claimed receipt code AB1CDEF2GH and its 29 points.”

  • If your receipt code or the format is not recognized you will receive an automatic response stating so. For example:
    “Sorry, your entry wasn't recognized. Please try again. To claim receipt, txt 10-digit code w/letters and numbers (AA#AAAA#AA). For help:”.

  • Points earned is based on the total spend, less taxes and tip. Some brand’s have additional items that cannot earn points – such as alcohol – and may also have additional rules on how quickly you can earn points. Please read your brand’s program rules for more details.

Text to Claim Points

  1. Retrieve your Receipt Code from the bottom of your receipt.

  2. Text your receipt code to 416-80 from your Spendgo Account phone number.

  3. You will receive a success message stating your receipt value that was claimed and the number of points added to your account. For example:
    ”Burger Rewards: Your $28.55 receipt has been added to your account with 26 points.”

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