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Create a Spendgo Account

A Spendgo Account gives you access to all the brand’s within the Spendgo Directory. With a Spendgo Account, you can do things like:

  • Enjoy offers at your favorites brands.

  • Log in to manage your Spendgo Account.

  • Log in to Third-Party apps associated with your favorite brands.

Things to Know

  • You only need to sign up once to get a Spendgo Account with one of your favorite brands. Then, you can use that account to sign in to any brand in the Spendgo Directory. Your information is never shared with a brand until you choose sign in authorizing their access. There are different ways to sign in at each brand, common methods are:

    • Sign in to their Member Portal.

    • Sign in to their online ordering or mobile app.

    • Sign in by providing your Spendgo Account number in-store.

  • When you create a Spendgo Account, we ask for some personal info. By providing accurate info, you can help keep your account secure and make our services more useful.

  • Emails with a (+) sign are not supported.

  • Some brands have a custom built website or mobile app for signing up. The sign up flow will be similar; however, the location will be different.

Important: the following steps is specific to the Spendgo-hosted Account pages at

  1. Visit our Spendgo Directory to select your preferred brand you are trying to sign up for.

  2. Enter your Phone. This will be a unique identifier and what you will provide on your purchase in-store to earn points automatically.
    Note: if your phone number already exists within the Spendgo System, you can click to sign in and skip the next steps.

  3. Enter your Email.
    Note: if your email already exists within the Spendgo System, you can click to sign in and skip the next steps.

  4. Enter your Password.
    Note: Your password must be at least 8 characters. A strong password is made of letters, numbers and symbols.

  5. Enter all additional required fields indicated with a “*”.
    Note: Each brand may require different personal info to sign up.

  6. Click Create Account.

  7. Please check your inbox for an email titled "Confirm Your Email Address for [Brand Name]."
    Note: the [Brand Name] will be the brand you signed up with.

  8. Click the button link to Confirm Email.

  9. You’re all set, you can now Sign In with Spendgo anywhere there is a “Powered by Spendgo” logo on the form in app or online.

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