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Troubleshoot My Points

If you’ve already followed the steps to Add Points to My Account, you may need to further troubleshoot your points. Here are the most common causes why you are not able to add points, and how to fix it:

Your phone was entered incorrectly at checkout

If you have multiple phone numbers, sometimes we forget which one we used and your receipt may be associated with a secondary phone number. You can try logging in with your secondary number to confirm. If you have two account you would like to merge, contact us via the Merge Account form.

In other cases, you or the staff may have just entered it with a typo. Please contact us via the Missing Points form to provide your receipt details and get your receipt transferred to your account.

Your purchase is not in our system

This can be due to a few causes including, the order type is not supported at the store. For example, some brands may not support catering, drive-thru or virtual kitchens. Or the internet connection is down at the store and the receipt has not yet been sent to our system.

Please contact us via the Missing Points form to provide your receipt details.

Your phone was not entered at checkout

If your phone was not provided before you paid for your purchase, then your receipt would not be associated with your account. You can still Add Points to My Account from within your Member account.

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